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1. Experiments in mice show the beneficial effect of oleuropein aglycon on the progression of Alzheimer's disease

In their research, Grossi et al. used special mice, which produce a special mutant human protein, which is associated with Alzheimer's disease. The dietary supplementation of oleuropein aglycone for 8 weeks at the dose of 50 mg/kg showed a remarkable improvement of the cognitive performance of mice. The effect of oleuropein aglycone on the stabilization of disease progression was also examined by biochemical analysis of mouse brains, showing significant results. These results support the beneficial role of oleuropein aglycone against Alzheimer's disease.


2. The beneficial effect of Oleuropein aglycone against type II diabetes

Here, Rigacci S. investigated the effects on amylin aggregation and cytotoxicity of the oleuropein aglycon. Amylin is a substance that is quite similar to insulin. When amylin aggregates in pagreatic cells, it generates amyloid, which is directly related to the pathogenesis of type II diabetes. Specifically, oleuropein aglycone inhibits the aggregation of amylin and its toxicity action on pagreatic cells. These results provide a molecular basis for some of the benefits potentially coming from extra virgin olive oil consumption and pave the way to further studies on the possible pharmacological use of oleuropein to prevent or to slow down the progression of type II diabetes


3. The effect of oleuropein aglycone on breast cancer

Menendez in their study explored the ability of oleuropein aglycone to modulate HER2 tyrosine kinase receptor-induced, which is present in large amounts in breast cancer cells and causes their uncontrolled proliferation. Oleuropein aglycone was one of the most active inhibitors of HER2 expression in cells, with a reduction 63%, even in very small doses and eventually the cancer cells were led to programmed cell death. These findings provide an excellent and safe platform for the design of new anti-breast cancer drugs.

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